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Mindful Minute Blog Post

Negative Thoughts

Why can’t I stop my thoughts from racing?  When we get thoughts stuck in our heads it can be brutal, especially if they are negative thoughts.  Back when I was providing a lot of training around the state, I was guilty of obsessing a bit at the end of the training day.  In a room with 20 trainees I would go away knowing first and foremost who was not in the training by choice or who felt the class didn’t warrant their attention.  The most vocal objector in the room was the one on my mind.  I could have 19 positive, engaging trainees, but the negative one would take more space in my mind than the 19 who were having a good time and benefiting from the class. Our brains seem to be wired, by nature, to seek out and absorb the negative messages.  The literature on the power of negative thoughts says that for every one negative statement it takes 17 positive messages to offset the effects of the one critical statement.  Left unchecked, the negative thoughts ...

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